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Top Journals

These influential titles are searchable and browseable via the links below. If you have another specific journal title in mind, go to the home page of the library and choose the Journal Title tab in the central search box to search the periodicals to which we subscribe.

American Economic Review (American Economic Association; 24-month embargo)

Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society (Wiley-Blackwell)

Economics Bulletin (Vanderbilt University; open access)

The Economic Journal (Oxford University Press for the Royal Economic Society)

Harvard Business Review (Harvard Business School Publishing Division)

Journal of Economic Perspectives (American Economic Association; open access)

Journal of Labor Economics (University of Chicago Press; 12-month embargo)

Quarterly Journal of Economics (Oxford University Press; 12-month embargo)

Review of Economics and Statistics (MIT Press; 12-month embargo)

Finding Articles & Reports in Databases

These databases are great places to start in your search for articles on economics topics.

The following databases offer specialized financial information.