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ENG 120 Honors Fall 2022 Professor Johnson

for Professor Johnson's course

Recommended Databases for Most Research Topics

Academic Search Ultimate (A) A partly full-text article and indexing database that covers all academic disciplines. Academic or scholarly journal articles, plus magazine and newspaper articles are here. Click “Search for Item” if you don’t see a PDF or HTML link in an article.

JSTOR (J). A massive article AND book chapter (from mostly university press books) database. Not good for recent material--3-5 years in general. Great for historical material. This database does not have great search filters and tools compared to others.


Statista (S) from the website: Statistics portal providing quantitative data on media, business, finance, politics, and a wide variety of other areas of interest or markets. Each statistic includes its source, release date, number of respondents, and other relevant details to facilitate verification.


NOTE: Pace subscribes to MANY other databases, as well. View them by SUBJECT drowpdown menu  see if one might be good for your topic(s), for example, Health Sciencees, Queer/LGBTQA Studies, Sociology, Art, or Psychology.