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HIS 196H Fall 2024 Zine Guide

for Professor Iacullo-Bird's fall 2023 class

Consider Officially Sharing as well as Protecting Your Creative Work

Click here to learn about the international nonprofit Creative Commons organization, whose vision is A world where knowledge and culture are equitably shared in ways that serve the public interest.You can read more about the organization here. 

In short, the organization helps people decide how to present their creative works to the world.  Under "Choose a License," you can explore the "Our Chooser" tool, which helps you decide how you want to share your work. Many zinesters choose a license that allows others to remix their zine for noncommercial purposes.  You can write on your zine or word process the license you choose and/or draw the symbols that represent that license. Many zinesters do this on the back cover.

Creative Commons licensing, 2018, "License to share: How the Creative Commons licensing system encourages the remixing and reuse of published materials", Research OUTREACH (105). Available at: DOI: 10.32907/RO-105-0609 (Accessed 2023/03/23)

Creative Commons licensing, 2018, "License to share: How the Creative Commons licensing system encourages the remixing and reuse of published materials", Research OUTREACH (105). Available at: DOI: 10.32907/RO-105-0609 (Accessed 2024/07/25)

Sharing or Remixing Others' Zines

Read here for information from the zine libraries interest group (lower caps on purpose)  about the ethics and circle of respect in regards to sharing content of zines made by other people.