Information on Housing Conditions is collected as part of the Census of Population and Housing. To find out the total number of housing units in your community, and the vacancy and owner-occupancy rates, try the following:
For Census Tract data, use the American FactFinder (
New York City Housing and Neighborhood Information System
Find information on housing and other neighborhood or area information for New York City. Free, but you must create an account.
To find information on Provisions for the Homeless, try these links:
New York State Bureau of Housing and Support Services
Westchester County, DSS, Homeless Services
New York City Department of Homeless Services
Information on various types of federal Housing Subsidies is available through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development ( To find out about programs in the New York area (New York City and surrounding counties), see especially the section of the Website devoted to the local community (
Local government housing agencies may also offer information on housing subsidies and services for the homeless. Be sure to check relevant Websites for information on programs provided by state and local government. Examples include:
New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal York City Department of Homeless Services York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development County Department of Social Services
The New York State Department of Transportation ( oversees highways and public transportation statewide. Their Public Transportation page provides a directory of transit operators and links to related Websites. Also try the following local Websites:
Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Provides information on bus and subway service in New York City, as well as Long Island Rail and Bus Service, and Metro-North Rail Service.
New York City Department of Transportation
This agency maintains city streets, operates the Staten Island Ferry, and oversees private bus operators. See the "Mass Transit" section for information on Bus, Ferry, and Train routes.
Westchester County Department of Transportation
The Westchester County Department of Transportation manages the Bee-line Bus Service and the Westchester County Airport, and manages specialized transportation for people with disabilities.
Information on Income and Employment is primarily collected by the federal government, though you may find it on state and local government Websites, or in other general sources as well.
To find current information on Employment Distribution in your community, use the U.S. Department of Labor's "Local Area Unemployment Statistics" Web site (
Here you can find State, County and Metropolitan Area data by clicking on the link on the left to "Tables and Maps Created by BLS". Scroll down to select the appropriate table for your needs.
You can also create your own tables from this site by clicking on "Get Detailed LAUS Statistics" at the top of the page. There are links to instructions as well as links to create one screen or multiple screen customized tables.
To find the Leading Industries in your community, go to the U.S. Census Bureau's "County Business Patterns" page. Click on "CPB Tables," and then click "CBP Tables again on the next page. This will allow you to view major industries in your State, County, Metropolitan Area or Zip Code by their NAICS code (What is a NAICS code?)
To find Family Income information for a State, County, or Community, Use the Census Bureau's "American FactFinder" ( Look for the Income data table and the Poverty data table in your location.
Parks and Recreational Facilities may be private or public. To find private facilities, try the local yellow pages or an online directory (see the suggestions under the Local Information tab). To find publicly-operated facilities in your community, check the local Parks and Recreation Department. Most cities, towns and villages have such a department. You may also want to check to see if the county or the state operates facilities in your community. Try the following Websites:
New York State Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation of New York Department of Park and Recreation Department of Parks, Recreation & Conservation
Information about the Educational Facilities in your community can most likely be found in your local telephone directory, or using the following sources:
National Public School and School District Locators
Provided by the U.S. Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics, this feature allows you to search for public school and district information using a community name or street address.
IPEDS College Opportunities On-Line
Find all types of post-secondary institutions in your community using this search tool from the National Center for Educational Statistics.
New York City Department of Education
Click on "Districts and Schools" to see school information by district or to locate schools by zip code or street address.
Westchester County Databook 2010
Contains information about all kinds of schools in Westchester County and its communities. Information about child care is also given, though individual facilities are not named.
2017 Kids Count Databook from the Annie E. Casey Foundation: : Provides data on state trends in child well-being including health and education
Information on the Educational Level of people in the United States is collected by the U.S. Census Bureau.
American FactFinder
The most effective way to find out what churches, mosques and synagogues serve your community is to consult the local telephone directory for that community. Try the yellow pages under the heading "Churches."
You might also find churches listed in community service directories or on community Web pages.
The American Religion Data Archive
Click on the link for 2010 U.S. Congregational Membership Report for your area to create a report for your particular state or county.