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Public Health Nursing Assessment Tool - Additional Resources

B-1: History of the Community

B-6: Environmental / Sanitation / Toxic Substances

Sanitation services in your community may be a responsibility shared by several government agencies. In the case of recycling or solid waste disposal, these services may even be contracted out to private haulers. Check your local government Website for information on how sanitation services are handled locally. Pay particular attention to local health, environmental, and sanitation departments. Occasionally housing or building agencies are involved in vector control, so you may want to consult these as well. The following Websites may be helpful:

New York City Department of Environmental Protection
The Department of Environmental Protection is responsible for the city's water supply and wastewater treatment, and for air, noise and hazardous materials.

New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
See "Health Topics A to Z" for information on vector control, or for information on vector-borne illnesses like West Nile Virus.

New York City Department of Sanitation
See the Department of Sanitation's site for information on recycling and solid waste disposal.

Westchester County Department of Environmental Facilities
This county agency is responsible for water supply protection, wastewater treatment and for overseeing recycling and solid waste disposal in Westchester.