Use the Books & Media tab in the search box on the home page of the library (as in the image above). You can choose the type of data to look for depending on the information you have on the item (i.e., Title or Author).
If the book is in another campus library, you can place a hold on the title and have it delivered to your home library.
When a book is not in our catalogs, you can still access it via Interlibrary Loan. If you know the title's details, go directly to the ILL system and log in with your Pace user ID and password. (You can also find the ILL page from the homepage of the library, in the links next to the search box or through the Services menu item.) Then you can initiate a new request. If you need information about the book, use the Advanced Search and, under Search Tools, change the Held by My Library option to Libraries Worldwide. That should bring up the book's information from another library.
You can still start your search in the Books & Media tab, but you may want to go directly to Advanced Search. There's a link under the search bar on the Books & Media tab, or you can use this link. Describe what you're looking for with keywords. You will likely need to run your search a few times with different words in order to locate all the relevant books. (For help with keyword searching, go to our YouTube channel and take a look at 5 Minutes to Better Research: Keyword Searching.)
Library search can be complex; in addition to a basic keyword search, you can use filters, subject terms, Boolean operators, and more to narrow or expand your search. There are helpful and detailed guides to searching here and here.
It's highly likely that we can still get you a book that the Pace library doesn't own, via Interlibrary Loan. Keep in mind that getting a book from another library will take some time, usually around a week.