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Searching for Online Books and Books Online

image of a book emerging from a computer


You can search the library's holdings for books, e-books, and streaming video by using the search box on the library's home page and selecting the Books and Media tab.

You can also go to the library's Advanced Search, which allows you to use multiple search fields, and narrow your results to the Economics subject area. Next to the first search field, select Subject from the drop-down menu, and then enter Economics into the field. Add other terms in the search fields that follow.

Some books may be at another campus, but most titles are available for delivery between the campus library locations, Mortola (PLV), New York City (PNY), and Law (WP). In the catalog record of the book you want to borrow, look for the Access Options box on the right-hand side of the page and click the Request Item button to have it delivered to your location.


Looking for more subject terms to use in your search for economics texts? The list of Library of Congress subject headings for the social sciences, the H section, might help. See the Class H Social Sciences Outline from the LOC.

WorldCat: One Quick Path to an Interlibrary Loan

WorldCat is an online catalog that searches the holdings of libraries all over the world.  Pace has relationships with some, but not all, of these institutions.  If you find items in WorldCat that you were unable to find in the Pace catalog, place an interlibrary loan request (you will need an ILLiad account) for the item, and we may be able to borrow it for you from another institution.

Please be aware that physical books take time to arrive, and e-books are rarely available via ILL due to publishers' restrictions.