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CIS 101 Introduction to Computing FALL 2023

Using the Pace Universitiy Library and other resources to find reputable, authoritative sources of information and knowledge.

Beginning to Understand the Conversation

from your assignment:

In Part One of this assignment, you will compile a list of reputable sources, including a mix of academic articles, reports, books, and credible online sources, specifically Academic Journals and Papers, Government Websites, Educational Institutions, and Professional Associations. You will follow the MLA citation style that you intend to use for your upcoming report on the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the future of work. This step is important for conducting thorough research and ensuring the credibility of your findings.

For each of the 10 sources, provide a brief annotation (summary) that includes the following:

  • The source's title
  • The author's name and credentials (if available)
  • A brief summary of the source's main findings or arguments
  • How you plan to use the source in your report (e.g., supporting specific points or providing data)

About Scholarly and Industry Communication

This guide is designed to help you find the scholarly and professional conversation in the discipline in which you are majoring. Most of this conversation takes place in academic journals, but there scholarship also appears in books, usually published by university presses; professional magazines (like the magazine College & Research Libraries News for academic librarians); association websites (like the American Psychological Association); conference proceedings;  professional blogs; and more. Where the conversation is happening and how it is happening depends on the discipline. For example, in academic libraries, a lot of important communication happens on X/Twitter.

Academic disciplines and professions have their own jargon, which you will increasingly understand as you progress through your program of study.