This guide should help you learn where to turn--beyond Google and Google Scholar--to find sources about your chosen topic. Pace provides access to the full text of hundreds of scholarly journals, professional or trade publications, newspapers, magazines, and more. You are helping fund these valuable resources.
Most articles published in periodicals are not freely available on the Internet despite the growing Open Access Movement. The Pace Libraries provide access not only to content but also to tools that help define and control your search. Google Scholar does have a great algorithm, but it offers few ways to truly optimize your search results.
The Pace Libraries own or subscribe to tens of thousands of books. Furthermore, you may request through the InterLibrary Loan (ILL) service any book we do not provide access to.
There is an increasing number of Open textbooks on the Internet; otherwise, most books require purchase or rental. In general, the only books freely available are those in the public domain (published before 1924). Also increasing in number on the Open Internet are science research articles (you don't need a library system to obtain). However, many journal articles remain behind a paywall. The Pace Libraries pay for these articles with our database subscriptions, so you have access to them.