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WS Prof. George The World of Zines, Zine Making and Self-Publishing

for WS 115 and 166 spring 2024

What is a ZINE?? Watch the PDF Slideshow Zine History!

"Whatcha Mean, What's a Zine?"  (title borrowed from the book by Esther Watson and Mark Todd)

In general, zines (pronouned "zeen" as in magazine) are self-published booklets created by people seeking expression and community. People who make zines are sometimes called "zinesters."  Zines are folded or stapled and therefore portable and flexible. They require no Internet connection to read. They usually do require some technology to make. In general, zines were born on photocopiers of the 20th Century. In short, a zine is a Do-It-Yourself pamphlet publication that can be endlessly reproduced. Zines are usually not unique, one-of-a-kind creations.

Imagine a subject. There's probably a zine about it! Zines range from seriously reverent political treatises to wildly idiosyncratic personal musings. Many zines are like diaries or letters, and many others are like mini research papers.   Overall, the paper format prevails in the zine world, but this guide includes links to some digitized zines. Most are older zines that have been digitized but some are contemporary and "born digital."

Zine publishing and creation is more popular than ever, but zines are just part of the larger world of independent publishing. This guide is for students in Professor George's  WS 115 and 166 classes, to learn about the making, writing,  and self-publishing.


Kris, "River Walk With Me: Reflections on Walking as a Mindfulness Practice," [Zine], n.d.

from the Muchacha Fanzine website: Muchacha Fanzine is a radically intersectional and decolonial Native Xicana Feminist publication. Influenced by D.I.Y (do-it-yourself) and punk rock feminism, Daisy began Muchacha Fanzine as a feminist punk zine and over the course of 9 years has grown into a larger, submission-based compilation of work by marginalized voices from around the world. Topics covered include art, writing, and political education on indigenous resistance, intersectional feminism, youth liberation, black lives matter, environmental justice, coalition building, body positivity, lgbtq rights, migration, decolonizing travel, & more.

from Etsy: River Walk With Me is a full-color, quarter size (5.5"x4.5") 16-page perzine (personal zine). Zines are self created booklets about anything you want, usually copied and distributed in small quantities. They are a DIY means of self expression, and I chose to write about my experiences with a daily walking practice as a means to mindfulness.