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Political Science 240: Fall 2024 Tamman

Literature Review Assignment

You will write a review of the scholarly literature relevant to a research question of interest to you. The literature review must:
• Be approximately 1,000-1,500 words
• Include citations in the Chicago Manual of Style
(17th edition) author-year format
• Page numbers must be included with each citation.

Research Proposal

Research Proposal
• Includes the necessary components: proposed research question, literature review, hypothesis, and suggested methodology
• Identifies potential risks and drawbacks to proposed methodology as well as expected benefits

A.I. and your Literature Review

from Professor Tamman:

AI Use Permitted: Literature Review Assignment Only
If you wish, AI can be used to create an initial draft of your literature review. Some scholars have found it to be a useful brainstorming tool for this purpose, others find that the time it takes to edit and check citations is more labor intensive than simply writing from scratch. You are welcome to try it using it to help generate your literature review with the following requirements:
• AI use must be tracked and acknowledged. If you use Generative AI programs (such as ChatGPT, Quillbot, or Grammarly) to write your literature review, you must cite and include a copy of your prompt and what AI generated. ChatGPT now includes the ability to share links to conversations; and/or you can submit screenshots.

• AI generated content should not comprise more than 50% of the Literature Review draft you submit to your peers or the final version(s) you submit for the assignment.
All citations generated by AI should be double checked to ensure that a) they are real published pieces of scholarship that actually exist and b) accurate, with correct names, titles and page numbers.

AI Use Prohibited: Research Question, Research Proposal & Additional Assignments.

A Literature Review is meant to be a summary of what current scholars are thinking about a topic. The other assignments, such as the Research Proposal, require a different kind of thinking. I want you to attempt the difficult act of creation and generate the methodology you want to employ and results you expect to find.

As AI tools become increasingly embedded in existing technologies, you may enter gray areas that don’t obviously align with the policies above. If you are unsure of whether you are in violation of a certain policy, reach out to me, and we can talk about it.