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Citing Business Sources - APA 7th edition


Bloomberg. (2019). Company analysis for Bank of Canada.

Bloomberg. (2017). Environmental, social, and governance analysis for Bank of Canada 11/10/12 to 11/10/17.

Business Insights: Essentials

Market Share report:

Gale (2021, January). Leading Construction Equipment Makers Worldwide, 2019 [Market share reporter].    

            Business Insights: Essentials.

SWOT report:

Global Data. (2020, May). Abbott Laboratories [SWOT report]. Business Insights: Essentials.

Business Source Premier

Company profile:

MarketLine. (2020, January). Ford Motor Company [SWOT analysis]. Business Source Premier.


Industry report:

Datamonitor. (2018). Organic food industry profile: United States. [Industry profile]. Business Source Premier. 

MarketLine. (2018). Wine in North America: MarketLine Industry Profile [Industry profile]. Business Source Premier.



Ritter, R. C. (2004). When Offshore Manufacturing Doesn't Make Sense. McKinsey Quarterly, 4, 124.Business Source Premier. 

Mergent Online

   For works from databases that publish original, proprietary material available only in that database, include the name of the database

   and the URL of the work.


Company Profile : 

 Mergent. (2021, July 1). Hain Celestial Group [Company profile]. Mergent Online.



Executive Bio: 

 Mergent. (n.d.). Hain Celestial Group: R. Dean Hollis [Executive bio]. Retrieved June 3, 2020, from Mergent Online.


Passport Reference & Markets

If the database URL is session-specific (meaning it will not resolve for readers), provide the URL of the database home page or login page.

Country Report: 

Homma, A. (2020, February 24). Apparel and footwear in the US [Country report]. Passport.

Market Sizes: 

Euromonitor. (n.d.). Apparel and footwear USA [Market sizes]. Passport. Retrieved May 20, 2020, from

RIA Checkpoint

   For works from databases that publish original, proprietary material available only in that database, include the name of the database

   and the URL of the work.


Batter, A. (2016, November/December). The impact of a double trigger on section 162(m) deduction. Journal of Corporate Taxation, 34-38.  Thomson Reuters. (2020). 2020 RIA federal tax handbook.


If the database URL is session-specific (meaning it will not resolve for readers), provide the URL of the database home page or login page.

MRI-Simmons. (2017). Spring 2017 NHCS adult study 6 months [Computer software types owned by age]

               [Data set].


Statista contains content from a variety of sources in addition to publishing their own dossiers and reports. Look in the Source section for “Survey by” to identify the author of the information you are citing.

Statista. (2020). Social media usage worldwide [Dossier].

Statista. (2020, June). Bottled water - United States [Consumer market outlook].

PwC. (2019, July). Global eSports revenue in 2023 by segment. [Chart]. Statista.


If the database URL is session-specific (meaning it will not resolve for readers), provide the URL of the database home page or login page.

Standard & Poor’s. (n.d.). Compustat daily updates - fundamentals annual [Microsoft Corporation: Income statement items - January 2015 to January 2020] [Data set]. Capital IQ. Retrieved June 3, 2020, from

The Center for Research in Security Prices. (n.d.). CRSP daily stock [Tesla Motors stock prices from 2007 to 2020] [Data set]. Retrieved June 3, 2020, from

IBIS World

Ross, G. (2020, February). Bottled water production in the US (31211b) [Industry report]. IBISWorld.
