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Media Production and Film Studies

This guide will provide information on our media making and films studies resources.


For all Film Studies databases, click on the Databases tab and select "Film Studies" from the By Subject dropdown menu.

Media Production

Script Writing


Focus on: Godzilla

                                                                   Advertisement of the movie Godzilla

From the first appearance of Godzilla on U.S. screens, Godzilla movies were generally viewed as lowbrow, juvenile fare, of appeal mainly to unthinking audiences, and the films, though popular, were not considered worthy of serious study. Over time, however, Godzilla has become recognized as a subject for scholarly inquiry, and the films and the character have drawn considerable academic interest from a range of perspectives. If you’re interested in learning more about the monster – for study or for fun – we have plenty of material for you.

From, you can start with a Quick Search by simply typing Godzilla into the Search box.

Selecting ‘search’ or pressing enter will display the results of your query.



In order to limit your results to the movie character, select ‘All filters’ at the top left of the results page, immediately below the search bar.



This will expand the filters menu on the right side of the screen. Select ‘Subject,’ then select “motion pictures,” from the resulting drop down menu, and then click ‘Apply.’ This will provide you with books, eBooks, news items, journal articles and more.


From the library’s home page, click on the Books & Media tab, then enter "Godzilla" into the search box 


From the Resource Type menu on the left, you can limit your returns to eBooks, print books, and videos.


The Filter by Subject menu further down the page will allow you to limit by Motion Pictures, History & Auxiliary Sciences, etc., depending on the aspect of Godzilla that interests you. 


A few selected books are listed below.

You can search for journal articles on Godzilla in our databases that cover film. Among these are:

  • Credo Reference Academic Core - This is a collection of reference ebooks on a variety of topics. A good starting resource for research sources.

  • Entertainment Industry Magazine Archive Collection Includes original magazines covering film, music, broadcasting and theater in the U.S. and UK, from the early 20th century - 2000. This is a great resource for archival research into the history of the entertainment industry.

  • JSTOR Citations or full-page images of back issues of scholarly journals, books, and primary sources covering a wide range of topics.

  • Performing Arts Database Articles from popular and scholarly journals on all aspects of performance, including dance, theater, film, mime, opera, puppetry, radio, stagecraft, television, storytelling, video, and performance art. Years covered: 1998-present.