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Open Access Resources

A collection of open access (free) resources. This includes e-journals, e-books, and miscellaneous other resources.


If you have a suggestion for a resource or would like a subject specific tab to be added to this guide please email me.    Please note that the focus of these resources are 'textbook' type materials that could be used in a classroom setting. Christina.


*BC Campus BCcampus was asked to create a collection of open textbooks aligned with the top 40 highest-enrolled subject areas in the province
Brill Open E-Book Collection Nearly 200 open access books primarily focusing on Asian Studies.
*CCCOER  Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources Focused on community colleges this is primarily to develop and use open educational resources,  open textbooks, and open courseware to expand access to higher education and improve teaching and learning.
Creative Commons Licenses Creative Commons copyright licenses and tools forge a balance inside the traditional “all rights reserved” setting that copyright law creates
*Directory of Open Access Books Thousands of academic, peer-reviewed books from over 90 publishers.
Directory of Open Access Repositories An authoritative directory of academic open access repositories
Gutenberg-e A program of the American Historical Association and Columbia University Press for publishing open access monographs.
Humanities Text Initiative Full text of thousands of prose and poetic works. Created by the University of Michigan.
Making of America, books Digital library of primary sources in American social history from the antebellum period through reconstruction.
OAPEN - Open Access Publishing in European Networks;brand=oapen A quality controlled collection of Open Access books, mainly in the area of Humanities and Social Sciences.
OER Commons A collection of over 50,000 OER with a single point of access
Open Education Consortium A global network of educational institutions, individuals and organizations that support an approach to education based on openness, including collaboration, innovation and collective development and use of open educational materials
*Open SUNY Textbooks Open SUNY Textbooks is an open access textbook publishing initiative established by State University of New York libraries
Openstax – Rice University OpenStax offers students free textbooks that meet scope and sequence requirements for most courses.
Project Gutenberg Offers thousands of free high quality ebooks.
Sherpa/ Romeo RoMEO is part of SHERPA Services based at the University of Nottingham. RoMEO has collaborative relationships with many international partners, who contribute time and effort to developing and maintaining the service.
SpringerOpen Books Offering of books in a wide range of areas within science, technology and medicine (STM).
*Teaching Commons Teaching Commons brings together high-quality open educational resources from leading colleges and universities
*University of Minnesota Open Textbook Library Open Textbook Library provides a growing catalog of free, peer-reviewed, and openly-licensed textbooks.

* Note: this resource may contain textbooks


African Journals Online                                                             A collection of peer-reviewed, African-published scholarly journals.
BioMed Central Several hundred peer-reviewed open access journals covering Science, Technology and Medicine subject areas from Springer Science+Business Media.
Cambridge University Press: Open Access Open Access journals from Cambridge University Press
DeGruyter Open Leading publisher of open access scientific content with nearly 400 scholarly journals across all major disciplines
Directory of Open Access Journals Online directory that indexes and provides access to quality open access, peer-reviewed journals
Karger Open Access Journals Searchable gateway of open access journals for every biomedical discipline
Making of America, journals and monographs (Cornell University) Digital library of primary sources in American social history from the antebellum period through reconstruction
Making of America, journals and monographs (University of Michigan) Digital library of primary sources in American social history from the antebellum period through reconstruction
Open Access Digital Library Free access to over 12,000 full text, scholarly journals in a variety of subjects.
Project Euclid Open Access Complete holdings of selected math and statistics journals from a variety of publishers hosted by Project Euclid.
ScienceDirect Open Access Hundreds of free journals from Elsevier's ScienceDirect platform.
SpringerOpen Journals Over 400 free peer-reviewed journals from Springer, across all areas of science.
Taylor & Francis Open Access Taylor & Francis and Routledge currently publish a number of pure open access journals. The articles in these journals receive both rigorous peer review and expedited online publication.
The Clute Institute Peer reviewed and open access collection of journals. Covers several academic disciplines
Wiley-Blackwell Open Access Collection Wiley's fully open access journals are immediately freely available to read, download and share. The fully open access journals are published in collaboration with authoritative journals.


American Presidency Project Thousands of documents, recordings and videos dealing with current and historical information on American presidents from 1789 to present.
Beall’s List Beall’s is a list of potential, possible, or probable predatory scholarly open-access publishers. 
Digital Library of the Caribbean Collection of cultural, historical, legal, governmental, and research materials relating to the Caribbean. Includes newspapers, official documents, maps, artifacts and more.
Ebrary Open Access Collections Free online resources covering various subjects on the Ebrary platform.
Encyclopedia of Earth Open access resource issued by the National Council for Science and the Environment.
Free Music Archive The Free Music Archive is an interactive library of high-quality, legal audio downloads directed by WFMU, the most renowned freeform radio station in America. Radio has always offered the public free access to new music. The Free Music Archive is a continuation of that purpose, designed for the age of the internet. It was launched in 2009.
HathiTrust Digital Library Partnership of major research institutions and libraries creating a digital archive of library materials. Access to full text of 3.4 million U.S. public domain works; 7.6 million with citation metadata only.
IMLS Digital Collections and Content (University of Illinois) Cultural heritage collections and exhibits from libraries, museums, and archives from across the U.S. curated by The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) at the University of Illinois. Contains texts, artifacts, images, maps and more.
Internet Archive Internet Archive is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, and more.
MERLOT II (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching) MERLOT is a curated collection of free and open online teaching, learning, and faculty development services contributed and used by an international education community.
MOOC Handbook  (Massive Open Online Courses) Massive Open Online Courses: Who They’re for, How They Work, and Where to Find Them
OpenDOAR - The Directory of Open Access Repositories Authoritative directory of academic open access repositories that lists repositories and allows breakdown and selection by a variety of criteria.
Research Gate Research Gate is a free platform for academic publishing with the mission to connect researchers and make it easy for them to share and access scientific output, knowledge and expertise.
Sherpa/ Romeo                                                    RoMEO is a searchable database of publisher's policies regarding the self- archiving of journal articles on the web and in Open Access repositories.
Ted Ed TED-Ed Originals are our signature content: short, award-winning animated videos about ideas that spark the curiosity of learners everywhere. These original animated videos, paired with questions and resources, make up what we refer to as TED-Ed Lessons.
Vistas Visual culture explored in Spanish America from 1520 to 1830. Contains a library of primary documents and a gallery of over 300 high-resolution annotated images and videos.
Videvo Free stock video and audio clips. They have pay services as well - make sure that you are getting the open access ones.
World Bank Open Knowledge Repository Books, journals and other intellectual output of the World Bank.

Supervising Librarian for Electronic Resources