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Education, Teaching and Action Research

Best Education Databases

Pace Library subscribes to 204 databases and many are full-text. Databases that include peer-reviewed articles in the field of Education are: 

Google Scholar and Peer-Reviewed Articles

The best way to know if a journal found in Google Scholar is peer reviewed is to follow these steps:
1. Note the name of the journal from the citation.  2. Type the name "in quotes," into the regular version of Google in order to find that journal's homepage.  TIP: Journals typically state the fact that they are "peer reviewed" (also known as “refereed” or “juried” or "blind reviewed."  If, in the description, none of those words are used then you can be sure it is not "peer reviewed."

Proper APA Citations . . . how to?

Creating proper APA citations can be challenging but there are lots of ways to get help. 

Citation management software is also very helpful for saving and managing all your references, and generating formatted citations in thousands of different styles.  I highly recommend choosing a citation management software and getting familiar with it, especially if you plan to continue research and publication after graduation.  The library recommends either EndNote or Zotero.

EndNote can be downloaded for free from the link below.  Once you graduate you will have to buy updates to the software.


Looking for a Dissertation? ProQuest Dissertations & Theses