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Fairy Tales, Fables and Folklore

Welcome to the Fairy Tales, Fables and Folklore Research Guide! Use the tabs below to navigate through the Guide.



Literary Criticism and Author Information Databases

MLA International Bibliography this is an excellent index for finding literary criticism. This means you can search it to find descriptions of relevant articles, but you'll usually need to click the button to find the actual, full-text article in another database. If it's not in another database, you will be directed to our Interlibrary Loan service.  Just Submit the request and wait to hear from the library: we'll email you with a link to the article. I suggest downloading the article immediately.

Gale Literature This is a big collection of scholarly journal articles, biographies, encyclopedia entries, and more sources for researching works of literature and authors. Within this database are several smaller ones. You are searching all by default, but you can select the BY PRODUCT/SERIES dropdown menu and select one or more of these subdatabases to search.

This database is full text, but be aware that not all the results are peer-reviewed journal articles. Use JSTOR and MLA to find additional peer-reviewed literary criticism. When in doubt, ask your professor if a source is acceptable for a particular assignment.

Journal Title Search

You can browse journal and periodical holdings using our Journals by Discipline page, or go to our website and use the Journal Title tab to search for a particular publication title.

General Databases with Literary Criticism