The Pace Libraries own or offer works of literature both in print format and e-format. Search the Books & Media tab and select a Title search if you need a specific title, e.g. Mrs. Dalloway (by Virginia Woolf), Drown (by Junot Diaz), The Duino Elegies (by Rilke) or Persepolis (by Marjane Satrapi). These are all works of literature: novels, collections of short stories, plays, collections of poetry, or graphic novels.
If the title is very general, like The Complete Stories, click on Advanced Search and put the author's name in the first (author) box and "complete stories" in a second (title) box. This Books & Media search will find both print and e-books.
The Challenge of finding a particular short story, play, or poem is that the library's description of a book doesn't always include all the details. Ideally, the library description of a book that is a collection of short stories will include all the stories and authors, as in this example. But this isn't always the case. Ask a Librarian for help locating a particular short story, poem, or play if you're having trouble.