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An introduction to Sociology resources at Pace University

Evaluating Academic Resources

What is Peer Review?

An article that has been reviewed by experts in the field in which it is about before being accepted for publication. To learn more about what it means when something has been "peer reviewed," check out the video from NCSU libraries posted below:

There are two types of bias that are important to keep in mind during the research and writing process:

Confirmation Bias:

This is when you deliberately shape evidence to support your argument/agenda, and ignore information that supports the contrary.

For example: You are writing a paper that argues that vegetarians are better athletes because they avoid red meat. There is information that supports your argument, but there is also a lot of information that supports the opposing argument. Without acknowledging that this other information exists, your work has a confirmation bias.

Implicit Bias:

Implicit bias occurs when someone consciously rejects stereotypes and supports anti-discrimination efforts but also holds negative associations in his/her mind unconsciously. In other words, the work may say one thing, but express another by reinforcing stereotypes and prejudices that otherwise would suggest a prejudicial bias on the behalf of the author. It's important to be able to discern the intentions of the author of any piece of information that you absorb.