Full-length recordings of a wide variety of theatrical and dance productions as well as interviews with actors, directors and other creatives. You can also find literary analysis of plays and teaching resources.
Includes a wide variety of educational films and documentaries.
Documentaries, movies viewed in the classroom up to three times are FREE, no charge to Pace! For instance, if Prof. John shows, To Educate a Girl: Empowering Women and Girls in the Developing World to his Sociology class in the classroom three times for the fall semester and shows a different film in the spring semester, there’s no charge because it was shown only three times during the academic year. However, if Prof. John decides to show it again in his spring class, then the fourth viewing triggers a purchase by Pace University.
Likewise, classes that are online will trigger a higher percentage of purchase since the fourth viewing by students in a class constitutes a purchase. This will be seen where certain documentaries or movies formulate the core part of the course that students must access.
Please note that watching films during class time keeps costs down and capitalizes on the three free movies in class.
Faculty, staff, students can view films at their leisure for free, i.e. no additional costs to Pace since the probability of a large segment of the population viewing the same movie may be low.
When the budget threshold is reached, Kanopy will notify the Library per faculty request and arrangement may be made if feasible.
To search for a specific DVD and/or title, use the "Books & Media" tab on the homepage. Once on the results page, limit to "Video" in the filters on the left-hand side of the webpage.