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NURS 813: Advanced Nursing in Primary Health Care

This guide lists resources for finding public health and epidemiology related articles and statistics.

To get started:

  1. Review the assignment below or in your syllabus/Classes module
  2. Depending on your chosen policy, visit the Federal, State, or City websites on the Government Levels & Agencies page to locate information.
  3. Use the US Political Process & Be Informed pages to understand how the policy moved through the government systems.
  4. Consider experimenting with ChatGPT to learn more about a policy. For example, you might type in: information and data about the Affordable Care Act and Latinos/Latinas/Latinx. Do not rely on ChatGPT but consider it a supplement to the resources in this guide.

Health Care Policy Assignment

Below is a basic description of your Module 4 assignment - See your syllabus for more detailed instructions!

Module 4:

Health policy is the result of legislative action that establishes the scope, funding, and focus for the policy in action. Health policies encompass a broad range of areas, from patient care to biomedical research, and are shaped through the collaboration of diverse stakeholders advocating for the needs of their communities.  When developing programs to address a health concern, it is important to understand the policy landscape related to the topic you want to address.   

  1. Identify a policy related to your team topic
  2. Describe the details of the policy - sponsors, government level, etc
  3. Explain the discussion and debate around the policy