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University Archives: Documenting Coronavirus Pandemic at Pace

History is Now: Documenting Pace and the Coronavirus Pandemic

History will record the Coronavirus Pandemic of 2020 as one of the most important events in the history of the modern world. Future historians will, of course, examine the records of various governments and health agencies as they attempt to understand what happened. But the full story is not to be told through official documents alone. Primary sources, like eyewitness accounts of events that were recorded at the time, will be just as important. For this reason, it’s imperative that we document our experiences, thoughts, and feelings now so that they will be available for future generations.

Pace Institute survived the 1918 Influenza Epidemic and the 1929 Wall Street Crash and the Great Depression. Now, the Pace University Archives and the Pace University Libraries are interested in documenting the way in which the Pace Community is experiencing this extraordinary moment in time. Our intention is to create a collection that reflects individual experiences and the way in which the Pace Community coped with the pandemic. How did students and faculty transition from classroom to online courses? How did staff manage the shift from working in an office to teleworking from home? How did we all cope with stay-at-home requirements and wearing a face mask in public?

Please consider submitting something to be included in the collection! It can be in the form of a journal, a photograph, written notes, audio, videos, drawings, stories, poems—any medium that best reflects the way in which you are experiencing this pandemic. You can contribute virtually as well by posting to your social media accounts using the hashtag #PacePandemic. In this way, you will have an opportunity to create a record—a primary source that will provide future historians with valuable information.

If you are interested in helping us document history, or if you have any questions about how you might do so, please contact university archivist Ellen Sowchek ( or reference librarians Kristina Bilello ( or Brendan Plann-Curley ( We look forward to hearing from you!