The Library provides access to the following databases, each with a unique group of publications, so search more than one in order to be comprehensive. From off-campus, you will be prompted to login with your Pace username and password.
While searching databases allows you to use keywords to target specific journal articles, another method is to search for journals of specific topic interest to limit what articles you're searching. Another method is looking at specific data and statistics sets such as those from government sources.
In many databases, you can check a box to limit to full-text results.
In some cases, you may see the icon. If you find an article in a research database, such as the ones on this LibGuide, and the article is not immediately available to read with a PDF or HTML link, click the "Search for Item" icon.
You may see a link to a database that has the article in full-text, or you may be prompted to use the ILLiad Interlibrary Loan service to request a copy of the article. Articles through ILL can take anywhere from one day to 2-3 weeks to obtain.
Think of Google Scholar as another research database to have in your research toolbox.
Set your Google Scholar Preferences to recognize that you are affiliated with Pace University and to access full-text articles provided by the Pace Library. Check out our Help Guide which explains this process in full.