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Information Literacy Skills

In this guide, learn the definition of information literacy and resources for developing these skills in our daily lives. Contact a librarian for assistance!

The purpose of this research guide is to define information literacy and provide resources for developing these skills in our daily lives.

Use the tabs on the left to follow a student through the information literacy process of writing a research paper.

What is information literacy?

Where would you look for information on the best tacos in your area?

That seems like an easy question, right? Yelp or a food blogger would be great bets but not a book on restaurants or a scholarly article on food culture.  

But how did you know that? You used your information literacy skills! 


What is information literacy?

Information Literacy is defined as "a set of abilities requiring individuals to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information.” (American Library Association).

Information literacy can also include skills like digital literacy, news/media literacy, computer literacy, and using information ethically.

We often hear information literacy in relation to research but it’s also about critical thinking in any situation where you are identifying and using information.