Even if you don't see your discipline here, we can still work with you to collaborate on instruction! In addition to what's listed here, we've probably taught a class in your discipline such as marketing, environmental science, or history.
Use the tabs below to see examples of courses that we have supported in various disciplines using various learning modalities and activities.
BIO 210: Ecology
ED690: Teacher as a Researcher
FIN 351: Principles of Investment
WS166: Gender, Race & Class
INT WGS115: Interdisiplinary
JRN238: The Global Newsroom
LIT 211D: The Individual and Society
Apollo RN - Undergraduate Nursing:
ND640/ND670: Research in Nutrition and Dietetics/Nutrition & Dietetics Capstone Project
PSY23: Civic Engagement
TS 105: Computers for Human Empowerment