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ENG 120 Becker Fall 2022

Recommended Databases for Most Research Topics

Ebook Central (E) A huge collection of e-books from academic and popular publishers. I recommend seeking books published by university presses such as MIT Press, Chicago University Press, or University of California Press. Log in off campus with your Pace credentials. Tools include read online, download chapters, print chapters, and more.

Academic Search Ultimate (A) A partly full-text article and indexing database that covers all academic disciplines. Academic or scholarly journal articles, plus magazine and newspaper articles are here. Click “Search for Item” if you don’t see a PDF or HTML link in an article.

JSTOR (J). A massive article AND book chapter (from mostly university press books) database. Not good for recent material--3-5 years in general. Great for historical material. This database does not have great search filters and tools compared to others.

Statista (S) from the website: Statistics portal providing quantitative data on media, business, finance, politics, and a wide variety of other areas of interest or markets. Each statistic includes its source, release date, number of respondents, and other relevant details to facilitate verification.


NOTE: Pace subscribes to MANY other databases, as well. View them by SUBJECT drowpdown menu and see if one might be good for your topic(s), for example, Health Sciencees, Queer/LGBTQA Studies, Sociology, Art, or Psychology.