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ENG 110: Rhetorical Analysis & Editorial Style Essay

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Welcome to the English 110 Course Research Guide!

The purpose of this guide is to provide information and resources for navigating the assignments in the ENG 110 course at the Pleasantville Campus: the Rhetorical Genre Analysis and the Editorial Style Essay. Descriptions of the assignments are below. 

Use the navigation on the left side to find support for completing these assignments. 


Rhetorical Genre Analysis

A rhetorical genre analysis requires you to consider the effectiveness of how a writer presents a topic using rhetoric within the constraints of a genre instead of the extent to which you agree or disagree with the writer. Understanding the relationship between writerly intention, audience, genre expectations, and how writers use rhetoric will help you consider the issues around rhetoric and genres and for whom.

This essay is an opportunity to take the analytical skills you have been developing to write a critical analysis about the effects of rhetoric and the possibilities and limitations of genre. This assignment asks you to:

  • Identify the rhetorical situations for two editorial texts addressing a singular topic of interest.
  • Analyze the effects of rhetoric for the writer’s purpose and implied audiences.
  • Evaluate how well the texts fit into or disrupt the editorial genre.

Editorial Style Essay

The editorial genre moves away from a binary debate and puts sources into a conversation with the writer’s perspective by what they have in common, where they differ, and, of course, why they are included. We see this genre across platforms everywhere, such as in popular culture commentary, Ted Talks, blogs, and even in the workplace. A compelling editorial includes the quality of sources, as well as how the writer interacts with sources and adds perspective. Writers build their arguments (and change them) in response to a source’s meaning and function, as well as in consideration of purpose and audience. 

  • This assignment asks you to construct an editorial-style argument centered around a single topic that synthesizes three texts mediated by you, the writer.
  • Utilizing the two texts from unit 2 as a starting point, locate one additional text with a different perspective to help you consider how to contribute to this existing dialogue.
  • For this final unit, determine your audience and purpose for joining the conversation.