The Academic Integrity Code of Pace University outlines the ways in which students are expected to uphold academic integrity, as well as the consequences for disrupting that code of conduct via plagiarism.
Philosophy of Academic Integrity and the Academic Integrity Code:
"The Academic Integrity Code supports Pace University's commitment to academic honesty and creates a culture at the University that emphasizes high standards of academic integrity, ethical behavior, and responsible conduct.1 The purpose of the Code is to educate students about what constitutes academic misconduct, to deter cheating and plagiarism, and to create a fair process and a set of procedures to handle cases of academic misconduct including documentation and application of sanctions. Academic integrity is defined as honesty and ethical conduct in learning and the educational process. The educational environment is enhanced when students believe that their academic competence is being judged fairly and that they will not be at a disadvantage because of the dishonesty of another. All members of the University community are expected to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity. The Academic Integrity Code applies to all undergraduate and graduate students at all campuses of Pace University (except the Law School). It supersedes the academic integrity policies of the different schools within Pace University. All students registered for classes in the University are subject to the terms of this Code, expected to be familiar with the Code, and to abide by the policies, procedures, and sanctions of this Code."
From Pace University's Academic Integrity Code, accessed 8/2018
II. Academic Misconduct and Violations of this Code
"Violations of the Academic Integrity Code are considered to be acts of academic misconduct and are serious offenses to the Pace academic community. Academic misconduct may also violate the law and be the basis for criminal prosecution outside the University. A fundamental assumption underlying this Code is that faculty possess full authority and responsibility for the conduct of their classes of instruction in accordance with University policy. Faculty, students and all members of the University community who in good faith have reason to believe that a violation of this Code has occurred, have a moral obligation to report this information to a course instructor, proctor, or the Chair of the Academic Conduct Committee. All forms of academic dishonesty and misconduct violate this Code. It is not possible to list definitively every type of academic misconduct, hence, the following violations are set forth as examples of proscribed conduct and are not to be considered complete or exclusive:
A. Cheating. Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise. The term academic exercise includes all forms of work submitted for credit or hours.
B. Fabrication. Intentional and unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise.
C. Facilitating academic dishonesty. Intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another to violate any provision of this Code.
D. Plagiarism. The adoption or reproduction of ideas or words or statements of another person as one’s own without acknowledgment. This would include, for example, copying the answers of another person or copying or substantially restating the published, unpublished, or on-line work of another person without appropriate attribution, or collaborating with another person on an academic endeavor without the prior knowledge of the instructor or without proper acknowledgment of the other person's contribution.
E. Misrepresentation. Any act or attempted act of knowingly presenting false information or data related to academic work as genuine information or data.
F. Unauthorized possession or use of academic materials. Wrongfully obtaining, possessing, using, or distributing to others, examination or other materials that have not been officially released by the instructor. 1 This Academic Integrity Code is modeled in part on the Code of the College of Arts and Sciences at Boston University, University of Maryland, College Park, and other academic institutions. It was adopted by Pace University on September 1, 2017.
G. Unauthorized communication. Any form of communication (except with the instructor or proctor) during an examination, or knowingly informing another of the content of an examination not officially released by the instructor.
H. Forgery or alteration. Placing any unauthorized signature on any school-related document or making any unauthorized change to an examination or other work product, grade, grade list, official University record or document (including but not limited to transcripts,
letters of recommendation, degree certificates, or other school-related documents).
I. Theft or destruction of academic materials. Removing or destroying examinations, examination books or similar materials, or any work product before or after submission, including wrongfully altering evidence of possible poor performance.
J. Duplicative work. Submitting the same or substantially the same work product in response to a subsequent assignment. It is expected that students produce new coursework for each assignment; material produced for credit prior to a course may not be submitted for credit to another instructor without his or her prior knowledge and consent, nor may a student submit the same or substantially the same work product simultaneously to two different course instructors for credit.
K. Acts that are harmful or unfair to other students. Unauthorized removing, damaging, or altering materials from libraries, classrooms, or offices; altering or destroying another student's work or records; inappropriately permitting another student to use one's knowledge, information, or work product; or in any way interfering with the work of another so as to impede the other's academic performance or the fair judgment thereof.
L. Making or offering any false statements to the Academic Conduct Committee regarding any Academic Conduct Committee matter.
M. Other violations.2 Violation of any other University rule, regulation, policy or sanction, relating to matters of academic integrity."