The Advanced search page in QuickSearch allows you to select additional options to create more specific searches.
Access Advanced Search by clicking the link on the right beneath the search bar of your search results.
The multiple boxes on the advanced search page allow you to be very specific in your search by determining where in an item record that information should appear. By dropping down the "All fields" arrows, I can select from options such as Title, Subject, Author, or Journal Title. In addition, choosing different Operators such as AND, OR, or NOT, can narrow or expand your results.
For example, I can search for two of my keywords using the search drop-down "All text". This looks for my term in multiple places in the item's text instead of just the record. I could choose to search for Nursing in the "Subject" search drop-down which limits my results to only ones with "Nursing" in the subject field. These are all connected by the operator AND to ensure my results contain all of these terms. If you'd like to use a different operator, such as OR or NOT. You can click the AND drop-down and select whichever operator you would like.
You can also use an asterisk * to search for multiple versions of the same word. For example, I could change my search and put an asterisk at the end of the letters nurs to expand my results to include any word with that beginning, such as nurse, nurses, or nursing.
On the advanced search page, underneath the search boxes, you can use additional filters to limit your results before searching.
In the image below, you can see that I've selected to only return peer-reviewed articles at my library. In addition, I used the custom range option to limit my results to sources published between 2019 - 2023.