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Finding a Book

After doing a search, your results can include a variety of sources, including both physical books and electronic books.

To narrow your results to only books and eBooks, click the all filters tab at the top of the page to open open the filters side bar, click Source Types, and then select Books.

If you want to see only physical books you must click Library Location and select one or both physical book locations. You can see how many results you will have by looking at the number in parentheses next to each location.


If the book you are interested in is an eBook, click "Link to eBook" and a new window will open to access it. Pace subscribes to a variety of eBook collections so the interface may be different depending on which book you open. Below, see a result from ProQuest eBooks. 

To locate a physical book, you will see the campus library and shelf location in the search result and you can visit the shelf to access it. Or you can click on the title of the book and click "Place Hold" to request it to be sent to your local campus. 


Image of an eBook record

Print Book:

Image of a print book record in QuickSearch