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The Library still exists in 2022 because most of the material we buy or subscribe to is not on the free Internet!
We also have all kinds of tools and resources to help you succeed in your classes, including librarians. :)
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Use the Quick Search to do something like Google the library. You’ll find a bit of everything (book titles, film titles, journal and magazine articles, encyclopedia entries, etc.) Tip: Use the filters to narrow your results to only articles or only books, etc. The filters work exactly like filters online when you are shopping, helpful but not perfect. The Subject filters are not useful here.
Use Books & Media when you are searching for a particular book, perhaps from the bibliography at the end of your syllabus, from a Wikipedia entry, or from the References in an article or in another book. Books are rarely available for free on the Internet, so make sure you take advantage of what the library owns. We have both e-books and "print" books.
Note: if you are looking for a book and don’t get a result at Pace, expand to Libraries Worldwide on the left. You can request any book Pace doesn't own through our InterLibrary Loan (ILL) service.
Use Journal Title when you have the citation to an article but still need to find the article itself (full text). This tool tells you if any of the subscription databases have a particular journal full text and the years of coverage. You’ll be taken directly to an ILL link if the journal isn’t available via Pace.
Use the Databases to search for scholarly journal or magazine articles. Start by viewing databases by Subject. Or pick a database from the A-Z title list if you know the title (also see the Databases tab in this guide for recommendations). If you need peer-reviewed articles, you can limit your search results to peer-reviewed articles. Always choose the Advanced Search screen if it isn’t already open.
Use the Interlibrary Loan service when you know that an article or book exists but now you need the full-text article or the actual book and can’t find it at the Pace Library. This happens when searching some of the databases. Email me anytime for help: sthomas7@pace.edu