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Computer Science & Information Systems

Video owned by the Pace library on DVD is findable in the library catalog. Go to the library's home page and select the Books & Media tab above the text field in the central search box.

Streaming Video from the Pace Library

Icon of a video player

Pace offers subscription access to two major streaming video services for use in classes, SWANK and Kanopy. The feature films and documentaries that have been requested for specific courses are also available to the Pace community. Most films are available for a limited time, so check back for new offerings.

Our LibGuide to streaming video at Pace also includes many links to free video around the web.

Free Streaming Video Outside the Library

New York Public Library Video Resources


Icon of the New York Public Library with the lion For access to a wide variety of streaming videos, you can use the New York Public Library's databases. 

  • If you already have a NYPL card or barcode, click the second link below and click "Connect to Database" and enter your card information. 
  • If you DO NOT have a NYPL card or barcode, click the first link below for instructions for downloading the SimplyE app and signing up for a barcode. THEN, click on the next link for access to the databases using your new barcode.