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EndNote: Using EndNote with Library Databases

Common Issues

The answers below are from our librarians. For information from Clarivate, the makers of EndNote, see their YouTube channel or Support Knowledgebase.

Common Issues for EndNote:

  • The EndNote Tab is not showing in Microsoft Word.
    • Make sure that the newest version of Microsoft Word is installed on your Mac. To check for this go to Help > Check for Updates.
    • Make sure that the Cite While You Write add-on is working. Go to EndNote and go to EndNote 20 > Customizer. Make sure Cite While You Write is installed.
  • EndNote is not working in Microsoft Word.
    • Make sure that Automation is enabled for EndNote. Go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Automation.
    • You should see the following:
      • EndNote with a checkbox for Microsoft Word.
      • Microsoft Word with a checkbox for EndNote.
  • Microsoft Word asks me to login to EndNote Online.
    • Press Cancel until you can get to the EndNote tab in Microsoft Word.
    • Select Preferences > Application > Select EndNote (it will have EndNote Online selected, which is causing the error).
  • I need to submit a manuscript without EndNote formatting.
    • Please make sure to save a backup copy of your manuscript before doing this!
    • In your manuscript's Microsoft Word document, go to the EndNote tab. Go to Tools and select Convert to Plain Text. You cannot undo this and the document will no longer allow for EndNote's automatic in-text citations and bibliography formatting
  • How do I know if my Mac is an M1 Mac (or newer)?
    • Follow the directions on this page to check your Mac's version.
  • My files are not importing into EndNote.
    • Make sure that EndNote is the only citation manager installed. If you are using Zotero, Mendley, or Refworks, it may be prioritized and all your references will end up in those citation managers. Be sure the default application for .ris, .enw, .nbib files is EndNote.

How do I attach PDF's or import articles from PDFs?

What if I want to export my references to Zotero to stop using EndNote?

How do I remove duplicates from a selection of references or my entire library?

How can I import APA 7th (or another style)?

How do I back up my library for safety and to share with others?

EndNote Video Playlists

The Library has playlists on YouTube about installing and using EndNote. Click the tab and video below for Windows or Mac to visit the playlists.