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EndNote: Using EndNote with Library Databases

Importing Citations to Digital Measure

Once you've exported your citations from EndNote into the required file type (BibTeX), follow the steps below for instructions to import into Digital Measures. 

Steps to import BibTeX citations into Digital Measures:

  • Log into Digital Measures at Pace.
  • On your homepage, click on Intellectual Contributions, under the Scholarship/Research heading. 

Screenshot from Digital Measures with arrow pointing to the Intellectual Contributions link

  • Click on the Import button in the top right corner.

Screenshot from Digital Measures of the Intellectual Contribution page and an arrow pointing to the Import button

  • Click on "Choose File" and select the BibTeX file you exported from EndNote. 

Screenshot from Digital Measures of the Import Publications page with an arrow pointing to the Choose File button

Reconciling duplicates already in Digital Measures:

  • If a citation in the uploaded file appears to already exist in your Digital Measures account, the system will ask you to verify if they are duplicates and either import them or skip them. 

Screenshot from Digital Measures of the Duplicates page with an arrow pointing to the message about 3 duplicates

Linking Collaborators:

  • Digital Measures will not attempt to connect your collaborations with others in the community.

Screenshot from Digital Measures of the Match Collaborators page with an arrow pointing to "Match to a User Account"


  • There are a few options for how this may display: 
    • If multiple names are potential matches or the person is not recognized accurately, a message will pop up for you to select the correct person. 
    • Click on their name and click "OK". 

Screenshot of a pop up from Digital Measures with a list of names and buttons for "No Matching Account" and "Ok"

  • If the person does not match anyone at Pace, select "No Matching Account" and then "Continue" in the top right corner to move forward with the import. 

Screenshot from Digital Measures of the Match Collaborators page and an arrow pointing to "Continue" in the top right

Final Review and Import:

  • Once duplicates are reviewed and collaborators linked, the final step will allow you to review all citations and listed information. 
  • To complete the import, select "Finish Import" in the top right corner. 

Screenshot from Digital Measures of the Review and Finish page