Pace Library subscribes to 207 databases and many are full-text. Databases that include peer-reviewed articles in the field of Public Administration are:
Below are some quick tutorials that will aid you in your research, whether you are looking for scholarly articles, or a book or maybe a New York Times article. You can also access many other “how to . . .” Pace Video Tutorials by going to the following page:
ILLiad is the library’s inter-library loan tool that allows you to request books, articles, dissertations or conference proceedings that Pace Library does not own from libraries all over the United States. Follow the link below to go to the inter-library loan page.
Creating proper APA citations can be challenging. Two sources can help make it easier. 1) Google Scholar - Pop your citation into Google Scholar, then . . . to grab a citation click on the Cite link below a search result and select from the available citation styles. Always double check to make sure formatting is correct by running your citation through another great source: 2) Son of Citation Machine