Pace has a new Zine Library, currently located at 41 Park Row, in room 1523 on the 15th floor in the English Department. An important part of the collection is Pace student work. We are actively seeking your zines! Here's a guide to the Pace Zine Library, which includes print copies of zines.
Adding Your Paper Zine
We're not looking for the "original" of your zine, which probably has tape and glue. We'd love to get a photocopy of it! If you need help with that, just get in touch. Most zines are usually photocopied in bunches of 10 or more!
Contact Susan Thomas at to help photocopying and/or to donate a copy of your zine.
Pace University has a Digitial Commons, a place where electronic publications made by the Pace community live. We are actively seeking student work to feature there. This is an opportunity to publish your work and make it widely available. Here is a link to the Digital Commons Zine page.
Adding a Paper Zine
Your paper zine needs to be scanned or photographed before it can be uploaded to the Digital Commons. Whatever method you choose, make sure it is readable in the correct page order. Here is an example from Alexandria Glover, a past student in WS166. It's a good idea to make the front and back covers single pages and the other pages as "spreads."
Here is a link to the Author Information page. Follow the link to the permission form you need to fill out to have your zine added.