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Open Educational Resources (OER)

OER Submission Process

Please see below for the OER adoption process on Pace's Institutional Repository.

  1. Author assigns keywords
  2. Author fills out legal permission form (email Greg Murphy or Noreen Mcguire for the form.)
  3. Author Chooses a Creative Commons License
  4. OER Project is submitted to Sue Maxam
  5. Sue sends project to the Pace Digital Commons administrators
  6. Project is checked for keywords, permission form, CC license and general quality control
  7. If changes need to be made the author is contacted for revisions or approvals
  8. Project is uploaded to the OER partition of Pace's Digital Commons
  9. The Digital Commons administrators catalog the project on MERLOT
  10. OER Textbooks are submitted to the Open Textbook Library (defined by OTL requirements)
  11. The team will also send groups of materials to be added to the OER aggregator OASIS