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ENG 201: Conducting Secondary Research (PLV)

About This Guide

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Welcome to the English 201 Course Research Guide!

The purpose of this guide is to provide information and resources for navigating the assignments in the ENG 201 course at the Pleasantville CampusIntroducing Your Study and the Annotated Bibliography & Literature Review. Descriptions of the assignments are below. 

Use the navigation on the left side to find support for completing these assignments. 


Introducing Your Study

For your first assignment, you will draft the introduction to your research project. To accomplish this, you will complete three tasks: (1) Explain what experience, sequence of events, or rationale brought you to your major. (2) Determine a contemporary topic related to your major that you would like to study, examine why the topic interests you, and explain why you believe this topic is valuable to your growth as a writer/researcher. (3) Conclude your writing by articulating a research question that will guide your study.

Research Goals:

  • Articulate motivating experiences and factors to enter a specific academic and professional field
  • Produce a research question and qualitative study framework

Annotated Bibliography & Literature Review

The purpose of this assignment is to develop your research skills by conducting a comprehensive literature review. Literature Reviews require writers to explore the existing scholarship that has been completed relative to their research question/topic. You will analyze, summarize, and synthesize existing research on the topic you established in the previous unit (Introduction) to
provide a clear understanding of the current state of knowledge, identify how your work will add to this information, and explain the research you will conduct in the following unit (Interviews).

Research Goals: 

  • Develop secondary (and primary) research skills
  • Critically evaluate and synthesize peer-reviewed sources relative to selected research topic