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Books and Journals Icons

The "Books & Media" tab on the Library homepage contains records for all the e-books the Pace Library provides access to online.

To create a link to an e-book in the Pace Library catalog follow these steps: 

Step 1: use the "Books & Media" tab on the Library homepage to locate an e-book - look for titles with the "View eBook" button in the list of results

Step 2: when viewing the eBook in your list of results, click on the "Share" icon near the top right of the book record:


Step 3: In the "Share" window you will see the URL for the Ebook displayed. Click the "copy link" button at the bottom right to copy the URL to your clipboard.

Screen capture book share window


Step 4:  In your Classes course shell, paste that URL wherever you would like to put the link to the e-book title - in course content, or in a Module, etc.