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Pace Library's Collection Development Policy

Whether the libraries buy an ebook or a physical book depends on several factors.

Considerations include:

  • Budget: We have a limited budget, so cost is a significant factor. We will place expensive ebooks in a demand-driven acquisition category. Please consult with the Head of Collections for budgetary parameters in this category.
  • Space and storage: Physical books require storage space, while ebooks do not. Ebooks can be a practical choice when space is an issue.
  • Access: Ebooks can be accessed remotely, making them more accessible to patrons on or off campus.
  • Availability and demand: Consider the demand for a particular title. If a book is highly sought after and frequently checked out, occasionally, a physical copy and an ebook may be available to ensure more patrons can access it.
  • Preservation and longevity: Physical books may last longer than ebooks due to technology and licensing contracts.
  • Licensing terms: Selectors will review the licensing terms associated with ebooks. Some ebooks restrict the number of simultaneous users’ lending periods or may require renewal fees.

Important note: The decision to purchase an ebook or a physical book should be made on a case-by-case basis, considering the unique needs and circumstances of our Library and its patrons.